2022年 共通テスト 追試

2022年 追試 第2問

第2問 英語台本 2022年度 追試

Question No. 8

W:Well, the glove I lost is white.
M:Can you describe it more?
W:There’s a heart, oh... no, three of them, and a button.
M:It’s here. Please come and get it.

Question:Which one is her lost glove?

Question No. 9

M:Will you just use it in your room?
W:No, sometimes I’ll take it outside.
M:So, how about this square one?
W:Cool. And it tells the time, too.

Question:Which one will the woman buy?

Question No. 10

M:Nice coat.
W:Thanks. It’s new and goes well with these boots.
M:But it’s so warm today.
W:OK, I’ll wear these instead. But I’ll keep this on. Bye.

Question:How is the sister dressed when she goes out?

Question No. 11
M:Didn’t we park the car on Level 6?
W:Not 7? No! You’re right.
M:It was next to Elevator A.
W:Yeah, we walked directly across the bridge into the store.

Question:Where did they park their car?

第2問 解答 2022年度 追試

2022年度 追試 第2問

問8 ④  問9 ②  問10 ③  問11 ③