2023年 共通テスト 本試

2023年 本試 第1問

第1問 英語台本 2023年本試

Question No. 1
W: Sam, the TV is too loud. I’m working. Can you close the door?

Question No. 2
W: I’ve already washed the bowl, but I haven’t started cleaning the pan.

Question No. 3
W: Look at this postcard my uncle sent me from Canada.

Question No. 4
W: There are twenty students in the classroom, and two more will come after lunch.

Question No. 5
W: There’s not much tea left in the bottle.

Question No. 6
W: I can’t see any cows. Oh, I see one behind the fence.

Question No. 7
W: I’m over here. I’m wearing black pants and holding a skateboard.


第1問 解答 2023年本試

2023年度 本試験 第1問
問1 ①  問2 ①  問3 ①  問4 ④
問5 ③  問6 ①  問7 ②