2023年 共通テスト 本試

2023年 本試 第4問

第4問 英語台本 2023年本試


Questions No. 18 to 21
 Each year we survey our graduating students on why they chose their future jobs. We compared the results for 2011 and 2021. The four most popular factors were “content of work,” “income,” “location,” and “working hours.” The graph shows that “content of work” increased the most. “Income” decreased a little in 2021 compared with 2011. Although “location” was the second most chosen answer in 2011, it dropped significantly in 2021. Finally, “working hours” was chosen slightly more by graduates in 2021.

Questions No. 22 to 25
 We are delighted to announce the prizes! Please look at the summary of the results on your screen. First, the top team in Stage A will be awarded medals. The top team in Stage B will also receive medals. Next, the team that got the highest final rank will win the champion’s trophies. Team members not winning any medals or trophies will receive a game from our online store. The prizes will be sent to everyone next week.

Question No. 26

① Hi there! Charlie, here. I’ll work to increase the opening hours of the computer room. Also, there should be more events for all students. Finally, our student athletes need energy! So I’ll push for more meat options in the cafeteria.

② Hello! I’m Jun. I think school meals would be healthier if our cafeteria increased vegetarian choices. The computer lab should also be open longer, especially in the afternoons. Finally, our school should have fewer events. We should concentrate on homework and club activities!

③ Hi guys! I’m Nancy. I support the school giving all students computers; then we wouldn’t need the lab! I also think the cafeteria should bring back our favorite fried chicken. And school events need expanding. It’s important for all students to get together!

④ Hey everybody! I’m Philip. First, I don’t think there are enough events for students. We should do more together! Next, we should be able to use the computer lab at the weekends, too. Also, vegans like me need more vegetable-only meals in our cafeteria.

第4問 解答 2023年本試

2023年度 本試験 第4問
問18~21 (18)①  (19)④  (20)③  (21)②

問22 ①  問23 ⑥  問24 ②  問25 ①

問26 ④